School Motto

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6
Monthly Events
2nd Sep
2024-2025 School Year Opening Day
7th Sep
Tsuen Wan District Primary Schools and Kindergartens Expo
14th Sep
Primary One Admission Application Briefing Session and Primary School Visit (K3 Class Students and Parents)
17th Sep
Mid-Autumn Festival Parent-Child Fun Day and Open Day (children aged 2-6 are welcome to sign up)
Click on the "Latest News" or call our school at 24905871 to register
18th Sep
The day after the Mid-Autumn Festival
Students have a day off.
27th Sep
Birthday party on August-September; K2, K3 Home Electricity Safety Lecture
30th Sep
Joint School Teacher’s Development Day
Joint School Teacher’s Development Day
School Calender of Current Semester